New loom

Here you see my new loom. It is a Leclerc Artisat (a jack loom) and as soon as I have finished the very long warp on my table loom I shall have a look and see how it works.
I believe it has all the things you need to warp it up in sections so I might have a go at that, or I might ignore that for the initial foray.
It is an improvement over my table loom in that it is 12" wider, at 36" and it has pedals (called treadles), which should make weaving quicker. It can fold up, too, which is useful.
One day I would like a proper countermarch rug loom, with more shafts. But they are ENORMOUS, so this is a good inbetweentimes loom until I am absolutely sure.
The other good thing is that this loom cost me less than £100 and was LOCAL - a great benefit.