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Monday, March 16, 2009

Greenwich chorus is now on CD

Yes it's true.

The BBC Radiophonic Workshop recordings have been put onto CD and are up for sale at Amazon etc.

I am very pleased to have my copy, as it means I can listen to Peter Howell's lovely Greenwich Chorus whenever I choose. I have wanted to have a recording of this since I first heard it on Jonathan Miller's TV series The Body In Question when I was a teenager. And that was a while ago, sadly.

There are lots of other splendid pieces of music on the double disc, and, it has to said, some horrible pieces too.

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  • At 18 June, 2009 23:05, Anonymous Adrian said…

    It's a great piece of music and it was lodged in my brain too. The CD is a real mixed bag and some of it is indeed terrible!

  • At 22 June, 2009 16:44, Blogger Irene Adler said…

    They needed an editor - it would have fitted on one disc then.


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