After much worrying that spring would never arrive, it finally did, on Saturday. The frogs have produced their frogspawn and we are all happy and relieved. The pond is full of thrashing, splashing, froggies - the water looks almost like it's boiling. Sadly all this activity did attract the attention of a heron - he left his tell-tale messy scum on the surface of the pond - muck from his heron's feathers.
In case you are interested - here are some dates of when we first noticed frogspawn in our pond - 26 February 2002
28 February 2003
9 March 2004
25 March 2005
Incidentally, photo courtesy of my twelve year-old daughter, Olympusina.
At 17 April, 2006 01:38,
roybe said…
lovely to see a nice english frog photo. february seems quite early for your frogs to have bred. But I suppose if that year your winter was milder it would explain it.we have lots of their subtropical cousins in our backyard.cheers
At 19 April, 2006 23:14,
Irene Adler said…
Roybe, nice to hear from you. We are led to expect our winters to become milder now we have global warming. Who can say?
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